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Mi presento a tutti Voi - Artù il Fantasma Grigio. Pubblicato da Artù il Fantasma Grigio. Pubblicato da Artù il Fantasma Grigio.
Artuš Artemis Terra - Výmarský ohař. Oisín Paluduz - Irský vlkodav. Standard plemene - Výmarský ohař. Standard plemene - Irský vlkodav. Potravin, restaurací, cukráren,. Ezoterické, čakrové, andělské,. Dárkové sady, tělové a ušní svíce.
Na stránkach chovateľskej stanice Z mariánskej záhrady chceme prezentovať weimarských krátkosrstých stavačov, ktorých chov a starostlivosť o ne sa stali veľmi príjemnou súčasťou nášho života.
The weimaraner club was first formed in 1980 by a group of enthusiastic weimaraner owners who were interested in promoting the breed. On the 28 March 1980 the first AGM was officially held with Dianne Webb being elected the president. Since then the club has grown substantially. Best In Show was awarded to Ch Magnum Vom Wachtel-Berg owned by the Allison. Fostering the interests in the Breed Showing, Obedience and Field trials of pedigree dogs .